Support the NYNGA English Walnut Project

The NYNGA has engaged in a long-term project where we are seeking out superior EW trees throughout NYS for further evaluation and testing, and also doing the same with existing known cultivars.  Our goal is to identify a half dozen or more EW clones that produce great tasting nuts, that reliably self-husk and do well given the vagaries of the many micro-climates and weather extremes that tree crops throughout the Empire state are subject too.  Your donation would support the costs associated with obtaining scionwood from superior established cultivars and potentially superior clones, cloning those trees by air layering or grafting, and then growing them out for a year for distribution to our network of cooperators for further trial and evaluation.  Our ultimate goal is to identify and make available to the general public through commercial nurseries EW clones that produce good tasting nuts with no bitter aftertaste, that reliably self-husk, and grow well in NYS for use in home orchards or potentially small-scale commercial operations.  We are interested in EW because they crack easily, the best ones taste good, and they are considered a super food by many because of their many healthy attributes.  Growing EW either for home use or small-scale commercial production can result in better health for NYS residents and be an important contribution to rural economies.  Growing EW, as with other nut tree species, in an established orchard setting results in a situation whereby you are growing a perennial food producing crop that requires no ongoing tillage and if grown using agro-ecology growing practices has a very light environmental footprint.  We are excited about the long-term health, environmental, and economic benefits associated with growing and utilizing superior EW clones, however, finding these superior clones is not without expense.  If you would like to support our work please consider making a tax deductible gift to the NYNGA English Walnut Project.  We thank you in advance for supporting our work and helping us to fund this project. 

Please send donations electronically through Paypal using the button below or through the mail via a check payable to “NYNGA” sent to Jim Darling, NYNGA Treasurer, 1300 Spring Street Extension, Groton, NY 13073. Your gift will be used for scionwood collection, grafting/cloning of potentially superior trees, and growing those trees out for distribution to cooperators who will then grow these trees across NYS for further study and evaluation. It costs about $50 to establish one test tree. Any donation amount is appreciated. Please specify that your donation is intended to support the NYNGA English Walnut project.


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