New York Nut Growers Association Spring Meeting, Saturday, April 9, 2022

Cornell Cooperative Extension for Columbia and Greene Counties, 479 NYS 66, Hudson, NY, 12534

and afternoon field trip to Arthur's Point Farm, Ghent, NY


8:30 to 9:00 Breakfast and registration.

9:00 to 9:20 Coffee, welcome and introductions.
Jerry Henkin, NYNGA President

9:20 to 9:40 Land acknowledgement; Indigenous nut history and culture.
Elodie Eid

9:40 to 10:10 Hazelnut production and processing & New York Tree Crops Alliance update.
Jeff Zarnowski,, Z's Nutty Ridge Nursery

10:10 to 10:25 Carya cordiformis, yellowbud (bitternut) hickory oil.
Jesse Marksohn

10:25 to 10:40 Chestnut gall wasp research.
Chris Johnston,, Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY-ESF

10:40 to 11:00 Break & recipe sharing, led by Elodie Eid: nut cheese, nut milk, nut bread, nut butter, granola, discussion of nutritional value of nuts as a staple food crop

11:00 to 11:20 What to look for in an English walnut (Juglans regia) for New York State.
Carl Albers,, C.E. Albers Tree Farms

11:20 to 11:50 Agroforestry is good for the farm and the environment.
Harry Green, Propagate Ventures

11:50 to 12:20 Designing landscapes and land forms for water capture in nut orchards.
Emerson Martin, Arthur's Point Farm

12:20 to 1:15 Lunch & NYNGA business meeting

Break for travel to afternoon field trip

1:30 to 3:00 Farm tour of Arthur's Point Farm, 118 Eagle Rock Road, Ghent, NY 12075 (518) 553-0335


The Asian chestnut gall wasp (aka "Oriental chestnut gall wasp" on iNaturalist) is an invasive gall maker that was first found in New York around 2012. Today the species can be found in 17 different counties and infestations are most severe in western and southeastern parts of the state. Galling is detrimental to chestnut trees as it reduces nut production, leaf area, and shoot elongation. Galling can occur on almost all species of chestnut trees (excluding Ozark chinquapins and some European/Japanese hybrids such as 'Bouche de Bètizac"). During the growing season newly developed galls are green to rose colored and are typically found on the petiole or midvein of chestnut leaves. These galls turn brown and woody at the end of the season and will often remain on the tree for at least 2 years. If you believe you have found galls on your chestnut tree feel free to contact Chris Johnston at Additionally you can upload pictures to iNaturalist!

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