New York Nut Growers Association 2022 Summer Meeting

The NYNGA opted to support and promote the conference jointly serving as the Northern Nut Growers Association 111th Annual Meeting and the Chestnut Growers of America Conference in lieu of a 2022 summer NYNGA meeting.

August 7-10, 2022, Penn State Berks Campus, Reading, PA

The NYNGA contribution to the joint conference included presentations given by individuals who, generally, are NYNGA members as well as members of other nut growing organizations involved in the conference. Such presentations included:

The English Walnut Project of the New York Nut Growers Association
Carl Albers,

The Who, How, and Why of Nut Tree Integrated Agroforestry in New York
Samantha Bosco,, Instagram and Twitter: @researchisnuts

Advancements in Chestnut Genetics and Biotechnology at SUNY-ESF (State University of NY -- College of Environmental Science and Forestry)
Erik Carlson, Research Project Assistant in William Powell's lab at SUNY-ESF,

Protecting Young Seedlings from Small Mammals
Peter Haarmann,

Nut Evaluations and Taste Testing
Jerry Henkin,, (914)282-1371

Designing Nut Orchards for Biodiversity and Climate Resilience
Emerson Martin,, (413)854-1626

Exciting Progress Breeding Hybrid Hazelnuts: a Collaborative Project
Tom Molnar, Ph.D., Associate Professor Plant Biology Department, Rutgers University,

Three Key Insights for Small-scale Black Walnut Processing, 2019-present
Sara Tyler,, Black Squirrel Farms

The Northern Nut Growers Association plans to make video recordings of all conference presentations available in the members-only section of their website. Join the Northern Nut Growers Association here.

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